Welcome To Bentley's Dry Cleaners
Dry cleaning and laundry specialists in Hazlemere, High Wycombe and Marlow
Bentley’s Dry Cleaners has been established for 25 years. We are small business who care about our customers and can meet the challenges and needs of our large Corporate clients.
These services can be accessed by visiting us at either one of the following addresses or by putting in an order via email or telephone to arrange a pick up from your work place or residence:
23 Park Parade
HP15 7AA.
Tel: 01494 717 004
High Wycombe:
12 Chuch St,
High Wycombe
HP11 2DE
Tel: 01494 524 378
2 Morris Place
Town Centre
Marlow, SL7 1DF
Tel: 01628 472 397
At Bentley's Dry Cleaners, we offer the following services:
- Dry cleaning and laundry services
- Pick up and delivery service
- Tailoring and alteration service
- Shoe repairs
- Key cutting & lock smith services
- Passport Photos
- Duvet and bed Linen laundry service